Don't take back pain lightly !!

Back Pain Brantford

Don't take back pain lightly !!

After the common cold, back pain is one of the most common reasons due to which we visit a doctor. So we can say that in terms of disease ranking, back pain holds the number two spot. According to a report published by a top-level university, more than 80% of adults have experienced back pain sometime in their lifespan. There are a lot of direct and indirect risks associated with back pain. If you do not pay sufficient attention and don't provide proper treatment on time then it may turn into a severe disease. If you are having any kind of trouble with your back then you should look for Back Physiotherapy in Brantford to get the treatment.

What is lower back pain? And how can you treat it?

When you feel intense pain in the lower part of your spine then it is termed lower back pain. It is quite common as every 8 out of 10 people have experienced this problem once in their life span and even several people are struggling with lower back pain for a long time. If pain in the lower back is not for a longer duration then it is not a serious medical problem and you should not consider it as a sign of arthritis. Usually, the patient gets relief from lower back pain within a few weeks automatically without taking any medication or treatment but if it doesn't happen then you need to visit Back Pain Experts in Brantford.

What are the causes of back pain?

It is quite hard to point out the actual reason for back pain without proper tests. The pain in the back comes from the muscles, ligaments and joints. So there are different causes of pain in different sections of your back. Now let's try to find out the most probable causes of back pain:

● The repetitive lifting of a heavyweight is one of the most prominent reasons for back pain. If you are also involved in such work then you should immediately consult Back Pain Treatment in Brantford.
● If you do a sudden awkward moment then it may sprain the muscles of your lower back.
● If you don't do regular physical activity or any kind of workout then it can also cause severe back pain.
● When you constantly walk or sit in a poor posture then the chances of back pain may arise.
● If you are overweight or obese then it may also lead to back pain.
● Too much stress or muscle tension can also cause back pain.
● Sometimes it is observed that due to arthritis, sciatica, spinal stenosis, and osteoporosis; the patients may complain about back pain.
● If you are in a state of anxiety or depression for a long time then also it can be a reason for back pain.

So whatever be your reason for the back pain you should visit the expert physiotherapist of Back Pain Brantford to get the desirable results in a quick time.

The pain itself is a lot of pain, we are offering FREE meet and greet for 15 minutes with our therapists. (No treatment, just consultation) by appointment only.
*Limited time offer