Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused as the median nerve is compressed once it goes through the carpal tunnel. The carpal tunnel refers to an opening present in the wrist, which is created by the carpal bones present in the wrist.

Revive Physiotherapy and Wellness contributes to being a well-known clinic, offering the best in class Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment in Burford services. There are wide assortments of medical professionals who offer a helping hand in treating carpal tunnel syndrome in Burford.

Affordable carpal tunnel syndrome treatment in Burford services

Carpal tunnel syndrome happens to be a painful hand disorder, which is caused by the pressure created on the nerves. If you are looking for a budget-friendly carpal tunnel syndrome treatment in Burford, you should choose our services.

Revive Physiotherapy and Wellness brings you the latest carpal tunnel syndrome treatment solutions in Burford. Our medical professionals recommend expert orthopaedic carpal tunnel syndrome services so that people of different ages can enjoy their lives easily.

The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome will subside in no time as you avail our services. You will not be capable of working through carpal tunnel syndrome any more as you choose our services.

The non-surgical carpal tunnel syndrome treatments we offer at Revive Physiotherapy and Wellness include physiotherapy, an ample amount of rest for the specific affected hands, injecting the corticosteriod medications and local anaesthesia within the affected areas, and diuretic medications to decrease the fluid retention of the body.

How our carpal tunnel syndrome treatment in Burford works

We at Revive Physiotherapy and Wellness offer the best-in-class surgical treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome. This kind of surgery is performed as an outpatient only. There are primarily two different kinds of carpal tunnel surgery, which include endoscopic surgery and open surgery.

Our expert surgeons insert a thin and long rod through the wrist's tiny cut during the endoscopic surgery. Such a kind of scope provides the surgeon with a suitable opportunity to view inside the wrists. After the completion of the surgery, the wrist and hands are wrapped, after which they are put into the splint. Hence, your wrist will not move during the specific recovery. It is essential to wear the splint for 1-2 weeks.

Carpal tunnel surgery recovery varies from one person to the next. If the nerve is compressed for a prolonged time, the recovery might take a longer time. You will be motivated to move the wrist and fingers post-surgery for the prevention of stiffness.

Some of the popular carpal tunnel syndrome treatments we offer at Revive Physiotherapy and Wellness include

• Exercise
• Worksite changes
• Surgery
• Anti-inflammatory medications
• Splitting the hand

We include a team of professionals in our team who stand second to none in offering carpal tunnel syndrome services in Burford. They are going to attend to you and diagnose the syndrome conditions as soon as you reach our clinic. Contact us today to get the best Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery in Burford services.

The pain itself is a lot of pain, we are offering FREE meet and greet for 15 minutes with our therapists. (No treatment, just consultation) by appointment only.
*Limited time offer