When you are not able to move your knee!!

Knee Physiotherapy in Brantford

When you are not able to move your knee!!

We didn't recognise the importance of the knee in our body until there is pain in your knee or you feel difficulty in walking because of any trouble. So in this article, we will discuss different issues related to your knee and Knee Physiotherapy in Brantford. If you are searching for an expert therapist for your knee then who would be better than Revive Physiotherapist as we have experience and expertise to treat different issues related to the knee, hip joint, back pain, lower back pain, shoulder pain and other body parts.

What can be the causes of knee injuries?

If we talk about the injuries then the most common one is the ligament injury. If you take a sharp change of direction or lend a wrong jump or get hit by a blunt force on your knee then it can cause severe damage to the knee ligament. Suppose that you are playing football and the ball hit straight to your knee joint in this condition there might be chances that the ligament of your knee gets injured or in the worst case, it may get torn or sprained. In that case, you must be looking for a Knee Therapist in Brantford to get optimum care and ensure a regular movement of your knee in quick time.

We provide optimum care for

● Knee Replacements
● Ligament Reconstruction
● Lateral Release
● Patella Tendon Transfer
● Fracture
● Arthroscope
● Meniscal Repairs
● Chondroplasty

Some important tips for instant pain relief

The most effective and commonly practiced way to get instant pain relief and inflammation is the use of hot and cold therapy. If there is swelling or blood circulation is affected in a particular area and if you apply a hot water bag or something similar then it will increase the blood flow and you will feel relief in the pain. Similarly, you can use cold therapy by using ice pieces or an ice bag to get rid of pain instantly. Hot and cold therapy can be used alternatively for better results or immediately visit Knee Therapy in Brantford if you do not get desired results after this remedy.

Another important method to get instant relief from pain is to do meditation. If you hold your attention for some time and try to understand the origin or the main cause of pain within your body then it will miraculously help you to get rid of pain instantaneously. Some anti-inflammatory drugs are secreted by the body during meditation which helps in the process of healing.

Besides all that, the most effective way to get rid of joint pain, knee pain, hip pain, lower back pain or any other kind of pain is to consult an expert physiotherapist or you can look for a Knee Therapy Clinic in Brantford. The Revive Physiotherapist is one of the leading platforms in Brantford to provide complete care for knee pain due for different reasons. So give us an opportunity to serve you with our quality services.

The pain itself is a lot of pain, we are offering FREE meet and greet for 15 minutes with our therapists. (No treatment, just consultation) by appointment only.
*Limited time offer